Supercomputer of the Future: The Billion That Could Transform Brazil or Turn into Frustration?

**Supercomputer of the Future: The Billion That Could Transform Brazil or Turn into Frustration?** Brazil is on the verge of making a giant leap in the world of scientific research with the acquisition of a supercomputer, the most

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**Supercomputer of the Future: The Billion That Could Transform Brazil or Turn into Frustration?**

Brazil is on the verge of making a giant leap in the world of scientific research with the acquisition of a supercomputer, the most advanced on the planet. But will this billion-dollar investment truly transform the scientific landscape, or is it just another grand project destined to disappoint expectations?

While the government promises that this supercomputer will revolutionize climate forecasting and scientific research, many wonder whether the money will be well spent or if we are facing yet another waste of public resources.

**The New Supercomputer in Brazil**

The Brazilian government is preparing to acquire one of the five most powerful supercomputers in the world for the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC) in Petrópolis by 2026. This investment is not just a technological upgrade; it is a strategy to place Brazil at the forefront of global scientific and technological research.

The promise is that the new supercomputer will not only enhance the forecasting of climatic events but also boost research capacity in various areas crucial to national development.

Currently, the Santos Dumont supercomputer, one of the most advanced in the country, is undergoing significant upgrades. Thanks to a partnership between Petrobras and the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp), the first phase of the upgrades is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Performance is anticipated to improve further starting in 2024, providing a tremendous opportunity to advance weather forecasting and other essential research areas for the country.

**The Importance of Upgrading**

Henrique Miguel, Secretary of Digital Transformation, emphasizes the importance of this upgrade: “We are updating Brazil’s supercomputer infrastructure to ensure that we can continue conducting advanced research and providing essential services to the population. These systems are crucial for climate forecasting and the development of technologies like Artificial Intelligence.”

The evolution of supercomputers is remarkable. In the past, these systems were primarily used to process large volumes of scientific data. With the integration of graphics processing units, they now have the capability to perform trillions of operations per second. This not only increases scientific processing capacity but also drives the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies, such as Large Language Models.

**The Need for Expansion**

In Brazil, the need to update and expand supercomputing infrastructure is critical. The supercomputer plays a key role in various fields, including research in the oil industry, drug simulation, and climate forecasting. However, these systems are expensive and complex, requiring specialized maintenance and ongoing investment.

Miguel explains: “The goal is not only to maintain and improve existing supercomputers but also to expand their capacity to meet a broader range of needs. The new supercomputer, to be installed at LNCC, will cost around $300 million and is expected to begin operating in 2026.”

**Expected Benefits of the Supercomputer**

This investment will enable significant advancements in various areas. Climate forecasting will be more accurate and faster, and vaccine simulation will be more efficient, reducing the time required for critical research. Additionally, the new supercomputer will be part of a national supercomputing network, connecting centers in São Paulo and expanding to other regions such as the Northeast, Midwest, and South of Brazil.

**The Impact of Artificial Intelligence**

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on training and employability in the country cannot be underestimated. The technological revolution brings with it the need for continuous adaptation of professional skills. The integration of AI in various fields requires workers to continuously update their skills to avoid obsolescence. Training in AI should begin from the foundational educational level, preparing the next generation for an increasingly technological future. Furthermore, the retraining of current professionals is essential to ensure they can keep up with changes and seize new opportunities.

Investment in supercomputers and advanced technologies is an important step for Brazil to position itself as a leader in research and technological development. However, it is crucial that this investment is accompanied by effective training and capacity-building policies to ensure that the benefits are widely distributed and that the country is ready to face the challenges and seize the opportunities of the new digital era.

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