Edson Valle Iancoski

CRM B2B O Que é, Vantagens, Como Funciona + 10 Ferramentas

B2B CRM: What it is, Advantages, How it Works + 10 Tools

In today’s business environment, the use of B2B (Business-to-Business) CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems is essential for managing relationships with corporate clients. This article explores what a B2B CRM is, its advantages, how it works, and presents the top 10 tools available on the market. What is B2B CRM? To understand the importance and functionality

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Click to Call O que é, Como Funciona + 10 Soluções

Click to Call: What it is, How it Works + 10 Solutions

Click-to-Call is a technology that is revolutionizing how companies interact with their customers. This functionality allows users to make phone calls with just one click, directly from a website or app. In this article, we will explore in-depth what Click-to-Call is, how it works, its benefits, how to implement this technology in your company, and

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Speech Analytics O que é, Como Funciona + 10 Ferramentas

Speech Analytics: What it is, How it Works + 10 Tools

Speech analytics is a revolutionary technology transforming how companies interact with their customers. By processing and interpreting data from phone conversations and other voice interactions, companies can gain valuable insights that help improve customer service, optimize internal processes, and identify new business opportunities. In this article, we will explore in depth what speech analytics is,

Speech Analytics: What it is, How it Works + 10 Tools Read More »

Central Telefônica PABX Tudo sobre o Assunto

PABX Telephone Exchange: Everything about the Subject

Speech analytics is a revolutionary technology transforming how companies interact with their customers. By processing and interpreting data from phone conversations and other voice interactions, companies can gain valuable insights that help improve customer service, optimize internal processes, and identify new business opportunities. In this article, we will explore in depth what speech analytics is,

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call tracking

Call Tracking: What it is, How it Works + 10 Tools

Call tracking is an essential technology for companies looking to better understand the performance of their marketing campaigns and the effectiveness of their sales teams. By tracking and analyzing phone calls, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and optimize their marketing strategies. In this article, we will explore what call tracking is, how

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plataforma omnichannel

Omnichannel Platform: What it is, Advantages + 20 Best Tools

Technological evolution and consumer behavior have driven significant changes in the way companies interact with their customers, making an omnichannel platform indispensable. One of these changes is the adoption of omnichannel platforms. In this article, we will explore in detail what an omnichannel platform is, its advantages, how to implement it in your company, and

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outsourcing contábil

Accounting Outsourcing: What it is, How It Works and How to Apply

Outsourcing of accounting services, or accounting outsourcing, has become an increasingly common practice in the corporate environment. Companies of all sizes are realizing the benefits of entrusting their accounting needs to external specialists. This article explores in detail what accounting outsourcing is, how it works, its benefits, and how to correctly apply it in your

Accounting Outsourcing: What it is, How It Works and How to Apply Read More »